
Igolkina Marina Viktorovna. Vegetative dysfunction and hemodynamic disturbances at children with a subthalamic syndrome and their correction. 2008

Vegetative dysfunction and hemodynamic disturbances at children with a subthalamic syndrome and their correction: the dissertation... The candidate of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Igolkina Marina Viktorovna; [a protection Place: GOUVPO "the Ivanovo state medical academy"]. - Ivanovo, 2008. - 128 p.: 8 silt.

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Other dissertations on discipline Pediatrics:

  1. Nefedova ZHaneta Valerevna. Metabolic and nejrofiziologicheskie aspects of an arterial hypertensia at children and teenagers - 2008
    Metabolic and nejrofiziologicheskie aspects of an arterial hypertensia at children and teenagers: the dissertation... Doctors of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Nefedov Zhaneta Valerevna; [a protection Place: GOUVPO "Novosibirsk state medical university"]. - Novosibirsk, 2008. - 329 p.: 39 silt. RSL OD,
  2. Primak Elena Anatolevna. Allergic reactions to fish and seafood at children with an atopy - 2008
    Allergic reactions to fish and seafood at children with an atopy: the dissertation... The candidate of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Primak Elena Anatolevna; [a protection Place: GOUVPO "the Moscow medical academy"]. - Moscow, 2008. - 136 p.: 24 silt.
  3. Kohan Elena Dmitrievna. the Bronchial asthma at children. A mental condition of children and their mothers - 2008
    A bronchial asthma at children. A mental condition of children and their mothers: the dissertation... The candidate of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Kohan Elena Dmitrievna; [a protection Place: GOUDPO "the St.-Petersburg medical academy poslediplomnogo formations"]. - St.-Petersburg, 2008. - 180 p.: 15 silt.
  4. Luntcov Aleksey Vladimirovich. the Bronchial asthma at teenagers and young men of military age: algorithm of diagnostics - 2008
    A bronchial asthma at teenagers and young men of military age: algorithm of diagnostics: the dissertation... The candidate of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Luntsov Alexey Vladimirovich; [a protection Place: GOUVPO "the Moscow medical academy"]. - Moscow, 2008. - 122 p.: 13 silt.
  5. Stashuk Nina Pavlovna. Variants miofastcialnoj be ill children with consequences of a birth trauma of cervical department of a backbone - 2008
    Variants miofastcialnoj be ill children with consequences of a birth trauma of cervical department of a backbone: the dissertation... The candidate of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Stashuk Nina Pavlovna; [a protection Place: GOUVPO "the Stavropol state medical academy"]. - Withtavropol, 2008. - 135 p.: 7 silt.
  6. Kirichenko Natalyà Evgenevna. Influence of the combined treatment polioksidoniem and magnitoinfrakrasnym laser radiation on clinico-laboratory indicators and a condition of immunity at children with a serious current of a bronchial asthma - 2008
    Influence of the combined treatment polioksidoniem and magnitoinfrakrasnym laser radiation on clinico-laboratory indicators and a condition of immunity at children with a serious current of a bronchial asthma: the dissertation... The candidate of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Kirichenko Natalia Evgenevna; [a protection Place: GOUVPO "Northern state medical university"]. - Arkhangelsk, 2008. - 104 p.: 12 silt.
  7. Bakulina Elena YUrevna. Influence magnitoinfrakrasnoj laserotherapies on clinico-laboratory indicators and function of endocrine glands at sick of a bronchial asthma - 2008
    Influence magnitoinfrakrasnoj laserotherapies on clinico-laboratory indicators and function of endocrine glands at sick of a bronchial asthma: the dissertation... The candidate of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Bakulina Elena Jurevna; [a protection Place: GOUVPO "the Perm state medical academy"]. - Perm, 2008. - 132 p.: 11 silt.
  8. Potilitcina Vasilina YUrevna. Influence of lines of temperament on clinico-physiological indicators of functional systems of children of younger school age - 2008
    Influence of lines of temperament on clinico-physiological indicators of functional systems of children of younger school age: the dissertation. . The candidate of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Potylitcina Vasilina Jurevna; [a protection Place: GOUVPO "Krasnoyarsk state medical academy"]. - Krasnoyarsk, 2008. - 144 p.: 13 silt.
  9. Lohmatov Maksim Mihaylovich. Intraprosvetnoendoskopichesky changes of a gastroenteric tract at illnesses of organs of digestion at children - 2008
    Intraprosvetnoendoskopichesky changes of a gastroenteric tract at illnesses of organs of digestion at children: the dissertation... Doctors of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Lohmatov Maxim Mihajlovich; [a protection Place: Scientific research institute of pediatrics of the Centre of science of health of children of the Russian Academy of Medical Science]. - Moscow, 2008. - 178 p.: 49 silt.
  10. TCerkovnayà YUliyà Evgenevna. Possibilities of rising of efficiency of treatment of children sick of a bronchial asthma in the conditions of sanatorium - 2008
    Possibilities of rising of efficiency of treatment of children sick of a bronchial asthma in the conditions of sanatorium: the dissertation... The candidate of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Church Julia Evgenevna; [a protection Place: FGU "the Federal scientifically-clinical centre of children's haematology, oncology and immunology"]. - Moscow, 2008. - 153 p.: 21 silt.
  11. CHernova Elena Gennadevna. Revealing of risk factors and principles of preventive maintenance of insufficiency of a food at children of teenage age 15 - 17 years of Cheboksary the Chuvash Republic - 2008
    Revealing of risk factors and principles of preventive maintenance of insufficiency of a food at children of teenage age 15 - 17 years of Cheboksary the Chuvash Republic: the dissertation... The candidate of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Chernova Elena Gennadevna; [a protection Place: GOUVPO "the Moscow medical academy"]. - Moscow, 2008. - 114 p.: 24 silt.
  12. Gasangadzhieva Gyuzel Abdul-Rapikovna. the Hemodynamic in vessels vertebralno-baziljarnogo pool at a foetus and the newborn at a physiological and pathological current of pregnancy and sorts - 2008
    A hemodynamic in vessels of vertebralno-basilar pool at a foetus and the newborn at a physiological and pathological current of pregnancy and sorts: the dissertation... The candidate of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Gasangadzhieva Gjuzel Abdul-Rapikovna; [a protection Place: GOUDPO "the Russian medical academy poslediplomnogo formations"]. - Moscow, 2008. - 139 p.: 24 silt.
  13. Malisheva Ekaterina Vitalevna. hemodynamically significant functioning arterial duct: Occurrence, Influence on a current perinatalnyh diseases and the forecast for a life at glubokonedonoshennyh newborns - 2008
    Hemodynamically significant functioning arterial duct: occurrence, influence on a current perinatalnyh diseases and the forecast for a life at glubokonedonoshennyh newborns: the dissertation. . The candidate of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Malysheva Ekaterina Vitalevna; [a protection Place: FGU "the Federal scientifically-clinical centre of children's haematology, oncology and immunology"]. - Moscow, 2008. - 151 p.
  14. Garmaeva Vladlena Vladimirovna. Deficiency of a carnitine and its correction at not full-term children with a respiratory distress-syndrome - 2008
    Deficiency of a carnitine and its correction at not full-term children with a respiratory distress-syndrome: the dissertation... The candidate of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Garmaeva Vladlena Vladimirovna; [a protection Place: FGU "the Moscow scientific research institute of pediatrics and children's surgery"]. - Moscow, 2008. - 111 p.: 3 silt.
  15. Belova Marina Anatolevna. Diagnostics of a functional condition and a damage rate of renal canaliculuses of I type at children sick of a diabetes of I type - 2008
    Diagnostics of a functional condition and a damage rate of renal canaliculuses of I type at children sick of a diabetes of I type: the dissertation... The candidate of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Belova Marina Anatolevna; [a protection Place: GOUVPO "the Orenburg state medical academy"]. - Orenburg, 2008. - 137 p.: 12 silt.
  16. Bogdanova Natalyà Alekseevna. Diagnostic value of disturbance of partial functions of kidneys at children with a vesicoureteral reflux - 2008
    Diagnostic value of disturbance of partial functions of kidneys at children with a vesicoureteral reflux: the dissertation... The candidate of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Bogdanova Natalia Alekseevna; [a protection Place: Scientific research institute of pediatrics of the Centre of science of health of children of the Russian Academy of Medical Science]. - Moscow, 2008. - 128 p.: 11 silt.
  17. Malkova Inna Igorevna. Dynamics of a state of health and physical development of newborn children in 1985 - 2005 (According to maternity homes of Moscow) - 2008
    Dynamics of a state of health and physical development of newborn children in 1985 - 2005 (according to maternity homes of Moscow): the dissertation... The candidate of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Malkova Inna Igorevna; [a protection Place: Scientific research institute of pediatrics of the Centre of science of health of children of the Russian Academy of Medical Science]. - Moscow, 2008. - 119 p.: 13 silt.
  18. Orlova Natalyà Anatolevna. the Dysplasia of a connecting tissue and a structurally functional condition of an endothelium at children, Sick of a bronchial asthma - 2008
    Dysplasia of a connecting tissue and structurally functional condition of an endothelium at children sick of a bronchial asthma: the dissertation... The candidate of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Orlova Natalia Anatolevna; [a protection Place: GOUVPO "the Bashkir state medical university"]. - Ufa, 2008. - 167 p.: 23 silt.
  19. Markova Elena YUrevna. Differential diagnostics and treatment of diseases of an eyeground at children - 2008
    Differential diagnostics and treatment of diseases of an eyeground at children: The dissertation... Doctors of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Markova Elena Jurevna; [a protection Place: FGU "the Federal scientifically-clinical centre of children's haematology, oncology and immunology"]. - Moscow, 2008. - 216 p.: 32 silt.
  20. Degtyàreva Anna Vladimirovna. Differential diagnostics and principles ehtiopatogeneticheskogo treatments of diseases of a liver and cholic ways at newborns and children of early age - 2008
    Differential diagnostics and principles ehtiopatogeneticheskogo treatments of diseases of a liver and cholic ways at newborns and children of early age: the dissertation... Doctors of medical sciences: 14.00.09 / Degtyaryov Anna Vladimirovna; [a protection Place: GOUVPO "the Russian state medical university"]. - Moscow, 2008. - 237 p.: 76 silt.